The Anti-Cheating Hats: the Smartest Idea

Montana Poe, Sports Editor

Students in the Philippines started making and wearing so-called “anti-cheating hats” during college exams, which have since gone viral on social media all around the world. At the Bicol University College of Engineering in Legazpi City in the Philippines, students thought it would be creative and fun to make these hats for their first exams. Professor Mary Joy Mandane-Ortiz, an engineering instructor, wanted the students to work hard but be amused by the idea as well, so she approved it for her students. Mary Joy Mandane-Ortiz, called the idea very effective and innovative, which made the hats more fun for the students in the end.

The anti-cheating hats made the exams less stressful and more enjoyable, many of the students have said on the matter. For example, a student from the college said, “I enjoyed the activity and I’m looking forward to our final exam in December.”  Professor Mary Joy Mandane-Ortiz said, “They accepted the challenge without any complaints.”

When the pictures of the anti-cheating hats came out, they went viral across the country making it the new way to take tests. Some of the anti-cheating hats were practical, but others were not. One student walled himself off with egg cartons; another put tubes over his eyes to create literal tunnel vision. Other students wore wigs, decorated boxes, and/or dressed up like anime characters with a helmet on their head. Professor Mary Joy Mandane-Ortiz finished grading the tests; the students finished their tests quickly and completed every question. This method of testing helped the student work faster and better, which is what is needed for testing in college.