Senior Spotlight: Marcus Navarro

Tiena Navarro

Marines. Music. Video games. That’s what my brother Marcus Navarro is all about. He is a person full of kindness and love in his heart for his friends and family. He is very caring when it comes to the people he loves, and he is just an all-around great guy. For the most part, we get along, but even though we fight I know he still cares. Marcus will be there when you need him and you for sure can count on him. I asked him some questions about how he likes SHS, his experience with the school, what would he want to do when he’s out of high school, and where he sees himself in 10 years. Although Marcus loves hanging out with his friends, going places, and playing football (just for fun), he is also trying to focus on what he would like to do out of high school.

He wants to go into the Marine Corps because two of his older brothers did as well. But not only is he interested in being in the Marines, but lately, he has also been thinking about his other plans. He said, “My first plan is to be a producer and if that does not happen 2 years after high school, I will go to the military and start my life, but I will still be producing music.”

He sounds very focused on his work and what he would really like to do in the future. On his off time he also really just likes to hang out with his friends and maybe even still go practice producing a little bit. Marcus also said, “Music is what drives me to do things.” Hopefully, his drive and passion for music will carry him to do great things.