Fresh Face: Alex Loya

Killian Wilkowski, Reporter

Alex Loya is a young hard worker. He has been working as a cashier at Burger King since he was fourteen years old. Alex is someone who has always enjoyed and has been involved in sports.

He has played basketball for 9 years and is currently on his frist season of football. He has been on many basketball teams such as the Gridley Middle School basketball team, the Monstars, Magic, and more. He is on the Sahuaro freshman football team as a linebacker. The reason why he’s always enjoyed sports is that he’s always liked the competition and hanging out and making memories with the team. Alex also said, “I like the coaches here at Sahuaro because they care about the team and they also do everything they can to help the team win and that’s what makes them good coaches.”

Alex likes Sahuaro because he gets, “a chance to socialize with his friends and make good memories.” But it does get difficult for Alex sometimes to juggle football, school, and work all on the same day, but what seems to help him out is managing his time wisely and prioritizing what needs to get done. Alex also enjoys his job, not only because he’s making a good amount of money at an early age, but also because he gets a head start to experience the real world at a young age.