Sahuaro’s Meditation Club Wants You!

Natalya Larez, Cougar Tales Editor

Sahuaro’s Meditation Club invites you to join! Hosted by Mr. Rutherford, the club is a great outlet for many. Students and teachers alike, emerge calmer and more collected than they went in.

They meet Thursdays after school in room 100. During meetings, they talk about the ways to meditate and the meanings; they then meditate independently for around 8-10 minutes. At the end of the session, they talk about what happened, and how the meditation made them feel, in order to really get people used to and introduced to the process of meditation.

In the future, Rutherford has hopes for a larger club and to move on to yoga and longer meditations. There are no requirements to join the club, anyone who wants to join is welcome! This club was originally started during the pandemic, over zoom calls, however, over the last few weeks, the club has moved to in-person and is thriving! Mr. Rutherford said, “Get your mind right.”

Some of Mr. Rutherford’s goals are for the club to grow and become a larger part of Sahuaro’s community because it can help people to deal with different problems they may be having. His favorite part of the club is how chilled out people are afterward, and seeing how much the club ended up helping them in the long run. From the song Doo-Wop by Lauren Hill, “How you gone win when it ain’t right within?” is a quote Mr. Rutherford lives by, and could even be seen as a motto.

Mr. Rutherford said, “… mediation itself is to calm your mind, and to dwell in that allows you to find a true happiness that what you have already. Whether it’s your breath, or simple things in life, the fact that you’re alive, the fact that you can breathe, to be calm and comforted by what you already have. Meditation gives you that true wisdom that there is true happiness in finding comfort with what you already have, and not always striving. Not always feeling incomplete, or in a rush, or busy, or like, there’s always something more that must be gained.”