Fresh Face: Jaxson Moore

Killian Wilkowski, Reporter

Jaxson Moore is a Freshman at Sahuaro High School. So far, his experience at Sahuaro is alright and he thinks he likes it. What he enjoys most about school is that he can hang out and laugh with his friends. He feels pretty comfortable here; it took him a couple of days to get used to it but he feels the teachers, staff, and students here treat him well. One of his favorite classes currently is P.E. He enjoys this class because he gets a chance to be active and hang out with his friends.

One thing about Jaxson is that he has a great passion for playing sports. His football position is defensive tackle, full back, and guard.  His favorite part about playing football is that he gets to tackle kids on the grounds and he gets to run the ball. But what inspired him to play football is that he’s always wanted to be athletic and not lazy. Aside from football one of Jaxson’s other sports he enjoys playing is baseball. Jaxson has been playing baseball for six years for Chandler Stars. Jaxson had some advice, “Never give up no matter how hard it gets because what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger… and he likes Sahuaro high school and the kids here .”