Sahuaro Robotics Club Wants You!

Natalya Larez, Editor

The Sahuaro Robotics Club is currently looking for new teams: run by Mr. Christian and Mr. Davis, the Robotics Club has been a beloved team for years now. This year’s goal is to not only make it to the State Tournament – but even the World Tournament!

To join, a written application is required- as Christian and Davis are hoping to find motivated and serious students who can work well with others. Did you want to go into a career in engineering? Robotics may be the right team for you. After being accepted, you will be placed in one of four teams, each consisting of 3-5 people. Each team is in charge of building and engineering its own robot.

When it comes to the tournaments, the event takes up to an entire day. However, teams from all over the state attend it and compete. The tournament begins early in the morning, as an elimination round between teams. Between the elimination rounds and the game beginning, you will be paired with a random team to form an alliance.  Every year, the game changes. This year, the game is called “Spin Up”, where each team (4 teams total) will have a robot that will participate in a 2-minute game. The goal of the game is to take up as much space as possible and to gather all of the tokens. In the first 15 seconds of the game, the robot is uncontrolled by its team. After that, the next hour and 45 minutes are controlled. There are 60 disks total, but only 38 disks are originally on the game floor to start. To score points, robots must be able to score the disks into the two High Goals.

When asked about the Robotics Club, Mr. Davis said, “Yeah, it’s a lot of fun. You know what? I’ve had a lot of good days in my life, but running a big Robotics Team here is super awesome. I like to be a part of making that happen.”

“The Robotics Club is building the future engineers of the world,” stated Mr. Christian.

For more information, head over to room 404 to talk to Mr. Christian!