Nathan Georke: DSU Committed

Marley Gandee, Reporter

After a 12-year career in football, senior Nathan Goerke has committed to Dakota State University. He first started playing when he was 5 years old, for the Wildcats, a youth team that practices at Jessie Owens. He played for the Wildcats up until 7th grade when he switched to the Cowboys, then the Scorpions. He plays middle linebacker because he loves being able to make the plays, and it’s the position he has always played.

From all his years in football, his favorite memory was, “Probably blocking a punt my sophomore year, and returning it for a touchdown.” His favorite game was against Pueblo because he came quite close to breaking a school record, and the team’s chemistry was really there that night. Football has impacted his life by helping him to be able to travel and meet knew people. It also helps him to be able to relieve stress and leave everything behind when he steps onto the field.

“What drives me is just wanting to get my education paid for at the next level. Also, both my parents played college sports, my sister plays D1 softball right now at University of South Dakota, so it was almost like it wasn’t an option to not play at the next level. It was something I felt like I had to do, and I’m very glad I am going to be able to do.” Much of his drive comes from his family, especially his dad. His dad was the coach who impacted his career the most. He wanted to soak in all the knowledge he could from his dad, especially in the realm of football, after his dad’s great career.

This year was his favorite team he has played with so far because he got to play with two of his cousins. Andrew Goerke, who is one of his cousins said, “I want to be like him…he’s a cool guy, you can have a real conversation with him, he’s really nice. Good guy. My number one mentor, my idol.” And in terms of football, “Physically he’s strong, he’s quick, and he’s football smart, like logical. He knows offensive plays.” In Andrew’s opinion, he leads the team well as a captain. He said his favorite memory playing football with Nathan was, “It was our first day in shoulder pads, we were supposed to be walking through it, and so I was going up, I was supposed to block him and he comes through and like trucks me, throws me on the floor.”

Nathan’s other hobbies are fishing, working out, and riding his horses. Andrew also mentions that he loves his family, the Lord, and his animals. He has 3 bulldogs and 2 horses.

As for his future, he doesn’t really have a plan, but going to a pro-league would be a dream for him. He would love to get paid for doing what he loves, but his main goal is to get a good-paying job. “I look forward to the change of location, and just seeing what the future holds for me.”