Sahuaro’s New College and Career Counselor – Mr. Haynes

Sierra Blaser, Reporter

Attention students, Sahuaro has a new college and career counselor! Funny, charismatic, and varsity volleyball coach Mr. Sean Haynes has taken over the role students have been eagerly waiting for, and he couldn’t be more excited for this new opportunity.

Mr. Haines was born and raised right here in Tucson, having attended Tucson High (though often ditching during his junior year to hang out with his friends at Sahuaro, which he doesn’t recommend) and graduating from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor’s degree in Communications. After receiving his degree, Mr. Haynes earned his Master of Divinity, the first professional degree of pastoral profession. He’d worked in the church world since the 90’s, mainly with teenagers, and views this as an opportunity to continue guiding them in right direction. “I want every student who graduates from Sahuaro to have a plan for what they want to do post-high school,” he said. “Whether it’s college, joining the military, vocational school, or straight into the workforce, I want everyone to have a plan so they’re not graduating and going ‘well, now what do I do?'”

“The person you can blame the most is Mr. Christian. He’s actually my next-door neighbor.” Mr. Christian has known Mr. Haynes for a number of years, and when the position for vollyeball coach opened up, he couldn’t think of anyone better for the job. “He’s a really great guy,” said Mr. Christian. “He’s reliable and very talented.”

In his free time, Mr. Haynes enjoys working on his house and spending quality time with his family. “I love working with my hands, working on my car and stuff like that. More than that, though, I love being with my family, going to movies, and we love eating out. Those are some of our hobbies.” Fun fact about the new guy on campus, Mr. Haynes grew up doing musical theater. After graduating high school, he briefly spent time doing professional theater in Phoenix for about a year. “I ended up going a completely different direction, but I still love theater. I truly believe that if we can’t laugh, then why are we doing it? That’s one of the philosophies I have for life.”

Anyone who needs help with college applications, financial aid advice, or just general guidance on what to do after high school, can stop by the counselor’s office during conference period or at lunch to make an appointment. Mr. Haines is here to “help students discover their dreams and then help them go get ’em.”