Future Teachers – Join This Club!

Marley Gandee, Reporter

One of Sahuaro’s lesser-known clubs, Educators Rising or as many participants call it, EdRising, is getting into action. Currently, the club only has one member, Payton Gandee, a junior. She has been involved with EdRising since last year, and was quite successful. She made it to State, and Nationals, but due to Covid, it was held online. So this year, her goal is to go again, this time in-person to Washington D.C., where the national leadership conference is held. She says, ”I think it will prepare me for my teaching career by not only helping me to connect with my students, but to also teach them what they need to know in the best way possible.” The club is run by Sahuaro’s very own Ms. Slade, a history teacher. It is her first year leading the club, as she was just introduced to it this year by Payton.

EdRising is a program for students who have an interest in becoming a teacher. They prepare for and compete in tons of different competitions with other students who also want to teach from all around the state, and hopefully, nation. There are around 38 different events, but each competitor chooses only one. Some of them include speeches, lesson plans, writing children books, and lots of other things that would prepare them for a future of teaching. EdRising could be a great opportunity for students to get ahead in their teaching career. It provides tons of practice in real classroom situations so those who participate will be ready for whatever is thrown at them.

The National Leadership Conferance is in June of 2022. To qualify, competitors must compete in a state competition, and do well enough to receive a spot. For those who qualify, their trip will be covered by either the district, or the Educators Rising Arizona State Office.

At this point, you may be wondering why you should participate in EdRising. Payton says, “EdRising is a great opportunity for students that want to become teachers.” Plus if you win, you get an all expenses paid trip to Washington D.C….

See Ms. Slade in Room 227 if you are interested.