Cougar Foundation Scholarships – Apply Now!

Amanda Mourelatos, Editor in Chief

It’s that time of year, seniors: scholarship application time! There are plenty to choose from, but our very own Cougar Foundation has a few great ones with due dates around the corner.

Have a 3.5+ GPA? This is the scholarship for you: the Cougar Foundation Red and Blue Scholarship. $1200 will go to the senior most deserving with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. If your GPA is a bit lower, don’t worry! The Cougar Foundation Senior Scholarship is for students with a GPA between 2.5 and 3.49 and is also $1200.

If you’re an athlete, the Cougar Pride $2500 Scholarship is for you. The criteria includes having played one or more sports at Sahuaro and having overcome academic and athletic hardships. There are two of these available for applicants.

Sports not your thing? What about pre-med? The Dr. & Mrs. Mark R. Cavanaugh $5000 Pre-med Athlete Scholarship is for students planning to study medicine in college. Planning on pursuing a 4-year degree in political science, public administration, communications or journalism? The Russell Public Scholarship is one you should apply for: $1,000 will be given each year and may be used for any college or university within the United States.

Let’s not forget the Dick McConnell Scholarship awarded in honor of Coach McConnell, a former Sahuaro coach who passed and his 774 career accomplishments. One deserving senior will receive $774 in his honor.

These are just a few amazing scholarships provided and that we are so thankful for. Click here for the full list of scholarships offered by our Cougar Foundation and more details for each. Due dates range from April 9th to the 23rd, so apply as soon as possible. Best of luck, Sahuaro seniors!