Attention 2021 Seniors!

Amanda Mourelatos, Editor in Chief

On Wednesday, September 30th, 2020, an online meeting was held for seniors. In this meeting, Principal Robert Estrella, as well as Career Counselor Erica Allen and Joe Grossi from Jostens talked about graduation and next steps for all 2021 seniors.

“Seniors, this is a very important year for you,” said Principal Estrella. “We acknowledge it and want to make sure we have the best opportunities for you in this time.” Estrella talked about senior portraits, the creation of a sway link for senior information specifically, graduation requirements, Jostens, in-person learning and staying connected. He stressed the importance of falling back on your current or former teachers if students need help.

As far as graduation goes, there are multiple plans to meet in person. “We hope to not have to go through a virtual or remote-style graduation,” Estrella said.

Mrs. Allen encouraged seniors to do self-reflecting to decide how they want to continue their lives after high school, because that is a lot closer than it may seem. She said, “Many students sit with indecision because they’re just not aware of the opportunities that are available to them for their future.” She also said that there are many choices for students to choose from.

Joe Grossi from Jostens said, “One thing is for certain, we are going to celebrate you.” He also stressed that seniors fill out the FAFSA.

Click here to see the recording of the senior meeting.