Female Drum Majors Do It Better

Hillary Engel

Sahuaro’s 2018 Marching Band after their Championships performance with their show, Alice

Amanda Mourelatos, Editor in Chief

For the first time in three years, there is an all female drum major base in Sahuaro’s marching band. Beth Seal, senior and head drum major, and Lyndale Bondoc, junior and assistant drum major, are playing big roles in the band’s leadership this year. Granted, all competitions were canceled due to COVID-19, but these ladies still have big plans for the virtual band.

Here’s Head Drum Major, Beth Seal, reading Mother Goose

Even though marching band is a very physical and hands-on activity, a screen won’t stop this band. “We are doing our best to continue like we would in a normal season. We do yoga, warmups, scales, and all of the things we’d typically do to stay active and practiced,” said Seal.

With “assignments” being given to keep the band going, it’s still not easy to stay motivated. Bondoc said, “My main goal being assistant drum major during this time is to motivate our band to continue no matter how hard it’s getting. I want to help them succeed in everything they do and grow as an ensemble.”

In these times, it’s hard to be and stay positive, and Seal advises that “everybody needs something to keep them going.” These women as well as the rest of leadership hope to help provide that something for themselves and the rest of the band.

In the middle is Assistant Drum Major, Lyndale Bondoc, with her saxaphone section

For the past three years, there has always been a male drum major. Some years, even two male drum majors. However, this year is different. “Being a team of female drum majors is really an honor, especially working with Beth,” Bondoc stated. Head drum major Seal added, “Lyndale is a very talented and amazing girl, and I’ve always admired what two female drum majors can do despite the stereotype that drum majors “should be men.””

“For the next season, I mainly just hope that our band can see, play, and march together again. I hope we come back stronger than ever as we get together and watch our band improve in every aspect,” said Bondoc.