Farewell Mr. Robinson!

Gabriella Jamerson, Foreign Correspondent

Mr. Robinson, a kind-hearted, culturally educated, and well respected teacher, says goodbye to Sahuaro as he takes on a new journey in Utah. “I want to be closer to family.” he explained.

Mr. Robinson has worked at Sahuaro for 4 years, and while his time with us was short, his impact on Sahuaro will last forever. He’s taught African American Culturally Relevant Literature and History, providing students with information that can help navigate their lives as African Americans. It leaves students with life lessons and new found passions. Nousha Aldhefery, a Junior, says “Mr. Robinson made me realize that I genuinely enjoy writing. It’s sad to see him go, but I think about it as other students getting to experience his lessons just like I did.”

Mr. Robinson says he will continue teaching English to sophomores, juniors, and seniors in Salt Lake County. It’s a better opportunity consisting of better wages, better weather, and being closer to family. While there are more benefits, it doesn’t change the fact that Robinson will deeply miss the best parts about Sahuaro. “I will miss my colleagues at Sahuaro. They are not just people I worked with, but people I enjoy spending time with both at school and outside of school, more so than any other place I’ve ever worked there are people who genuinely like each other.”

As I talked more with Mr. Robinson, he reminisced on his favorite memory about Sahuaro. “I have many great memories from Sahuaro. A couple that stand out were my first period class in 2018-2019 reading “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” and “Fences” by August Wilson really getting into those plays and reading them out loud.”

I decided to ask his students on the Speech and Debate team, and his coaching partner, Mrs. Hughes, what their favorite memories of Mr. Robinson are. 

“The debate state tournament was in Flagstaff in March of 2018. We were all walking around in the morning and at night freezing. Robinson kept walking around with a big smile on his face saying, “I feel alive!” We all groaned but appreciated his optimism. That’s something I’ll always remember!” Mrs. Hughes fondly shared.

Winta Tekle, Senior, knows Mr. Robinson as a great debate coach. When asked what her favorite memory of his was, she said, “It would have to be when we would eat Waffle House right after a tournament and Robinson would take control of the jukebox.”

Calvin Mueller, Senior, says, “My favorite memory was his look of astonishment and disappointment when Gabriel Davidson (also on the Speech team) would do something silly!”

Nousha Aldhefery, a former student, and a member of Speech and Debate says, “My favorite memory of Mr. Robinson was him pushing me to do Speech and Debate. I didn’t want to at first, I thought it would be filled with a bunch of nerds, but I soon would realize that joining the team with his presence would educate my mind with more impact and experience. I’ve made my best friends through Speech and Debate, one of them include Mr.Robinson.” Personally, for me my favorite memory must be him explaining his daily routine in class. It was detailed and strangely specific which made it hilarious. Overall his class was enjoyable, welcoming and full of laughs. 

Mr. Robinson will be dearly missed. From teaching kids about culture, to broadening the minds of youngins. You’ve truly had a huge impact on kids’ lives. One thing Mr. Robinson will leave with us is his genuine care to see us succeed and learn. “I want them to remember that education and knowledge is something that nobody can take from you. I hope they find opportunities in the world to care about something, hopefully deeply and to look for what those things are for them.  Also, that looking at the world critically and asking questions about it and your role in it is something you can do for yourself and will pay off immensely. Lastly I care about them as people, not just as students. That’s something that quarantining during COVID-19 has really reminded me,” says Mr. Robinson.
Thank you Mr.Robinson! We’re gonna miss you.