Feeling Homesick

Picture I took from KFMA Day 2019

Amanda Mourelatos, Editor in Chief

I know everyone is missing everything about life before the virus: Hanging out with friends at the mall, going out to see movies, being able to travel, not having to wear a mask every time you go out, going to a sit-down restaurant and actually sitting down. There’s so many things to miss, but there’s one in particular that’s been tearing me apart: my concerts. Any concert venue to me is home, and I’m feeling homesick.

Image from Facebook

Since this all started, I’ve already missed 2 concerts I had tickets for and one in the future is being rescheduled. One of those concerts was KFMA Day 2020. This event was completely canceled due to COVID-19. I was pumped to see two bands I absolutely love, Godsmack and Bad Wolves, and to make tons of new memories with friends I’ve made over the past year. KFMA Day is full of the unpredictable, and I’ve spent plenty of time fantasizing about the greatness that could have been April 18th, 2020. Maybe I got to meet Tommy Vext, or maybe I caught a drum stick (this has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember), or maybe I went crowd surfing, who knows? All I know is, I can’t wait for the chance to experience all that again.

Image from Magnetic Magazine

The other concert I missed was Steve Aoki, but fortunately, it will be rescheduled. I’ve seen Steve Aoki once before, and it was an experience like no other and definitely one of the wildest concerts I’ve attended. Especially considering I’d only been to rock concerts, seeing a DJ perform was something else. Being that it was Steve Aoki, the man that throws cake into the crowds, made it all the more fun. When I saw him the first time, I wasn’t very familiar with his music and that’s why I was even more excited to see him again because I’ve heard almost all of his music now. I was planning on going all out too, wearing a shirt that says “CAKE ME” and I had every intention of getting cake faced. I still have that intention with high hopes that the rescheduling promise is lived up to.

Finally, sometime in June, I had tickets to see AJR in their Neotheater Part 2 tour. This concert is also being rescheduled, but I’m still bummed because it was all the way in June. I am very excited though because Neotheater is one of their greatest works, in my opinion, so far. I can’t wait to see their creativity brought to life for the 3rd time in my concert-going career. AJR only plays music from the album they’re touring for and I’m ecstatic to see them bring the story of Neotheater to life. Not only that, but they’re by far one of the most animated groups I’ve ever seen perform; every little movement they make is full of fire and vivacity. I dream of the day I’ll be able to see that again.

To all my concert lovers, hang in there! Soon, this will be all over and our concerts will be rescheduled, new ones will be scheduled, and we’ll all be home again. Until then, a lot of artists are dropping amazing music to tide us over, so enjoy!