High School Mariachi Comes to Sahuaro

Amanda Mourelatos, Editor in Chief

Have you ever wanted to play in a mariachi band? Or would you like to know what a mariachi band is? If so, you’re in luck! Mr. David Bertoglio, a Spanish teacher at Sahuaro, is the sponsor for the new Mariachi Club. This club was created for anyone who wants to learn or takes interest in mariachi music. No experience is needed, just desire!

Bertoglio himself has no experience in mariachi, but loves it. “It’s passionate, soulful, and it grabs you,” he said. He does have experience in Spanish radio, but not specifically playing in a mariachi band. So not only will students be learning, but he will be learning with them. “It’s a whole new genre,” he said.

Originally from Juarez City, junior Pedro Castro, the club president,  loves mariachi music. He joined the club in efforts to help bring his country’s music to the Sahuaro community. He thinks students should join because they “want to learn how to play this kind of music or maybe want to do something different in school.”

The club’s goal is to eventually be a performing group and put on live performances with costumes and everything. This type of music is part of our culture, heritage, and history, which makes it important for students to hear and be involved with. Usually, there are up to 18 people in a mariachi band. However, as Bertoglio said, “In our case I would be happy to start with one guitar, one violin, one trumpet and everybody sings! And hopefully, with tim, other instrumentalists and singers would be added.”

The club meets in room 128 on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:30. Check it out if you’re interested, anyone is welcome, musician or not!