Hollywood Producer Harvey Weinstein Convicted of Sexual Assault

Producer Harvey Weinstein arriving to court (Photo from BBC)

Andy Mourelatos, A&E Editor

Disgraced Hollywood filmmaker, producer, and director Harvey Weinstein was taken away in handcuffs after his conviction on February 24 for rape and sexual assault. Weinstein was found guilty for two of five sexual assault charges, but was acquitted from charges claiming him as a sexual predator. The 67-year-old Weinstein is recognized by many as one of the worst offenders with the platform of fame in the #MeToo movement, and to many, this is a step in the right direction for shedding light on the issue.

Prior to six women testifying that he sexually assaulted them, Weinstein was a juggernaut in Hollywood film making, working on movies such as Kill Bill Volume 1 & 2 Pulp Fiction, The Scream series, and even founding his own film company with his brother Bob, The Weinstein Company in 2005.

The allegations began in October of 2017 when The New York Times reported in their original exposé that dozens of women  accused Weinstein of sexual assault and misconduct spanning years. This timeline was expanded to take place over four decades with another accuser who came out later that month. Many of the accusers claimed that he tried to keep the women quiet with money. The NYPD stated that they began to develop a strong case against him at this time.

Harvey Weinstein being taken away in handcuffs after his 2018 trial (Photo from The New York Times)

More investigations were conducted until May 25th, 2018, when Weinstein was arrested on charges that he raped a woman and forced another into sexual activity. This, however, is not the end of the story, with Weinstein being released on a $1 million bail. As a part of his bail, he agreed to wear a monitoring device on him and was restricted to only travel between New York City and Connecticut. His time in the courtroom reportedly only lasted 10 minutes, and would not be the end of Weinstein’s case.

More charges were added and dropped during the time leading up to Weinstein’s final trial, which involved all of the charges and accusations made against him. The trial took place on February 24th, and Weinstein was found guilty of two sexual felony charges but was acquitted of his other three charges, two of which were the most serious against him: being convicted as a sexual predator. After his verdict, Weinstein complained of chest pains, and on March 4th underwent heart surgery to alleviate a blockage before being transferred to prison.