Cephers: Living MLK’s Dream

Gianni Martinez, Sports Editor

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out to the true meaning of its creed: that all men are created equal.” Martin Luther King Jr had a dream that one day we wouldn’t be judged from the color of our skin but on the content of our character. This has become a reality, as we honored our assistant principal, Tyrone Cephers for the content of his character and for his positive acts towards our school that has exemplified the guidelines of MLK’s dream. Cephers is now living his own dream by walking in the footsteps of the man who led before him.

So, on January 20, 2020, we not only celebrated MLK Day, but our very school had their rivalry game at the McKale Center where Sahuaro and Sabino went head to head to take home the title. Among those who attended the game, Tyrone Cephers stood out most. He was chosen for Sahuaro High School to receive an award that’s given to someone who works with their students in a positive way – any teacher, admin, or staff who has impacted our school positively. This award is aligned with MLK Day to reflect the life of Martin Luther King Jr, and it was given to Mr. Cephers during half-time.

When asked about how Mr. Cephers felt about receiving this award he responded with, “I just work, my reward is in the kids.” He goes on to say, “I don’t work to get rewarded. I do appreciate it however, I’m humble.” This humble man loves the work he does for our school, therefore it isn’t really work for him; he enjoys seeing progress from his students. Our progress as students, as a whole school, and in the staff and teachers is the best reward Cephers could ever receive and he’s grateful to be chosen to represent our school and what MLK stands for, a reflection of his life and a dream.

As he walked onto the court, standing side by side with Principal Estrella and Vice Principal Hurley with a great big smile on his face, he was able to share this moment with his wife and mother, who have both been a big part of his life and were very proud. On behalf of The Paper Cut and Sahuaro we’d like to give a big thanks to Cephers and everything he’s done for his students. “I’m honored, our progress means more than the award,” he stated.