Why You Might Want to Sign Up for AP Classes

Calvin Mueller, Headline News Editor

With upcoming registration, many of our students will see the mysterious letters of prestige on their form entitled “AP.” With all the extra work, what’s the point of taking an AP class?

The first reason (and most obvious) you might want to take an AP class is that if you pass the test with a minimum score of “3”, you receive college credit. This may seem like something small, but this could save you thousands of dollars if you take enough classes and pass the tests. This is no easy task, but it can be done. With tuition rising, the trade off of paying for your tests, rather than paying thousands of dollars is hugely beneficial. The experience of just being in an AP class helps students prepare for conquering higher education, as Marisa Verdugo exclaims “they [AP courses] can give college credit and help prepare me for college.”

All classes are full of people who are eager to learn, but in AP classes, many students have discovered that you are more likely to go in depth with a book or text. You are more likely to have a meaningful discussion about possible interpretations of it as well, where you are encouraged to discover and create your own opinions on subjects. That creative liberty is hard to find in any other places on campus.

AP classes have helped develop skills that students wouldn’t be able to learn otherwise.  Senior Lailaa McClendon said “they have allowed me to gain knowledge in a deeper level, I don’t think I would be able to learn anywhere else.” Taking AP classes have allowed many students to succeed, but also curate an efficient work ethic which is extremely beneficial. Even if you don’t do well on the tests- or if you even take them -you will still take very important lessons from just the class. So don’t be scared of “AP” or “Honors” they will only help you in ways you’d never imagine. We offer the following AP classes;  

AP World History
AP US History
AP Physics
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Psychology
AP Government
AP Language
AP Literature
AP Calculus
AP Statistics
AP 2D Studio Arts
AP Music Theory

AP classes aren’t the only option though, Sahuaro offers many honors courses and dual enrollment where you don’t have to take a test, but can still gain college credit.