Choir Spreading Holiday Cheer

Calvin Mueller, Headline News Editor

In all my four years at Sahuaro I only saw choir perform around Christmas time and sing the national anthem. I’d often wonder about their performances – maybe I just didn’t have the connections to know? I wanted to learn more about the amazing choir experience. So, I did.

Gabby Kion and Jacob Olson at the airport

Before I even started I was shocked by the outreach the beginning choir had on Sahuaro, but also our community in the city. Beginning choir this Christmas season went to nursing homes where many were crying from the kindness and talking to the residents. That wasn’t all either, they cleaned everything, leaving the choir room spotless after their concert. I wanted to see this in person, and also, you know, hear them sing. So, I accompanied the advanced choir and Sahuaro Singers (a club of dedicated choir members) where they meet after school. I watched them tour Tucson and sing for our community,

Long Day Singing!

which was really well received. Travelers at the airport were greeted with our choir, and some even sang along. Residents started singing along with some of our own students, and our choir even got the TUSD Board singing along. This is our choir, and everyone should be proud. I took more away than I originally thought, I learned that choir was a place were you could go and make close bonds, all while making an impact on our community. 

As you can see, choir has had an impact on our community, but what’s often overlooked is how choir has had an impact on our

The Strength of Choir!

students. Gabby Kion, a senior, has been in choir all four years, said that choir has “introduced me to so many new people, and it’s such a safe place for us to all interact despite everyone’s differences.” Nousha Aldhefery, a junior, has had bonds from choir since middle school, “Choir gave me my first group of friends.”