Sahuaro’s Winter Fine Arts Showcase

Andy Mourelatos

Sahuaro’s Jamz Band playing “Carol of the Bells” to close out the concert.

Andy Mourelatos, A&E Editor

On December 8th, the students of Sahuaro High School gathered in the school’s auditorium to see a showcase of Winter performances by our wonderful Fine Arts department. With joyous Christmas songs and over-the-top Drama skits, the Band, Orchestra, Choir, Guitar, and Drama programs got to show off their productions to the school in this annual event.

Mr. Marrs conducting the combined Orchestra.

Kicking off the show was the combined Orchestra playing “Riu Riu Chiu” to welcome everyone, conducted by the fabulous Mr. Marrs. The curtains closed to the first of Drama’s interluding holiday skits poking fun at awful Christmas Carolers. These skits were a great break between performances, and seamlessly let the next performers set up for their show.

Mr. Green’s guitar class preforming.
Mrs. Engel conducting her Wind Ensemble.

Ms. Engel’s Wind Ensemble played their favorite holiday song next, “Sleigh Ride.” With the students clapping along, this song is a mainstay in Sahuaro’s Band program. Followed up by another Drama skit, and leading into the next performer was Mr. Green’s guitar program playing “Winter Wonderland,” and “What’s This?” from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Mr. Green’s singing added a lovely layer of holiday cheer to the guitar students’ playing.

Next was Sahuaro’s Advanced choir singing some Christmas tunes. They then broke off in front of the curtain to sing the delicious, “Fruit Cake.”

To close out the show, Sahuaro’s Jamz Band playing a rock-infused “Carol of the Bells,” as students walked back to class. With the keyboard, drums, and guitars, this was a fun rocking way to end the show.

But wait there’s one more! Two Mellophone players, Sophomore Justin Todd and Senior Avery Miller popped in front of the curtain to perform an arrangement of Toto’s “Africa” written by Todd himself! Justin says his favorite part about performing in the assembly for the past two years is, “being a part of the Fine Arts programs and the opportunity to show off what we’ve done to the rest of the school.”