Teen Lifeline and Sahuaro

A roll of stickers in Ms. Savoie’s classroom

Amanda Mourelatos, Editor in Chief

Not too long ago, Sahuaro’s Student Council handed out Teen Lifeline stickers to the teachers and students. Some may think it’s just a sticker, but to others, it can save their lives.

Being a teenager is one of the hardest things, especially in this day and age. Bullying, social media, self-harm, home life, abusive relationships, drugs, alcohol, anxiety; kids have a lot to handle besides school, and sometimes we need help. It isn’t always easy to ask for help, but asking is the first step to getting the life you want. That is why this Hotline exists: to help teens in need.

Teen Lifeline’s mission is to end teenage suicides and to provide a “connection of hope” for struggling teens and to encourage healthy decisions to be made. Their number is readily available for teens to use when they need it the most.

In an email to teachers and staff, Sally Duncan, our school nurse, said, “This is such a great resource for our students who may be struggling emotionally, especially at this time of year… If you know of a student who is having a difficult time please send them to me and encourage them to call Teen Lifeline.” She hopes to get the Teen Lifeline printed on Sahuaro IDs soon.

Duncan strongly believes that this will help Sahuaro students for a couple reasons. For one, the Hotline is answered by trained teens because it can sometimes be easier talking to peers. Another reason is, it’s not just for suicide and crisis, it’s for anyone who is struggling. Lastly, they give the option of texting the Hotline, for when it’s too hard to speak.

If you feel you or someone you know is struggling with a problem, big or small, do not be afraid to seek help. There are plenty of convenient resources just around the corner, including Teen Lifeline. Click here to learn more about The Hotline.