Not Just Good… Great!

Mariana Flores, Beat Investigator

We knew her as Mrs. Watters’ student teacher last year, but Ms. Good was so good, that Sahuaro quickly snatched her up and offered her a full-time position before the year was even complete. Prior to exposing young minds to Orwell, Coelho, and Shakespeare, Ms. Good, was an avid animal lover who worked as a vet tech for 7 years.

From the ages of 16 to 23, she worked with animals as a veterinary technician. She got her first job working as a kennel tech at 16, and worked her way up in the field. After the death of her sister in 2013, Ms. Good realized that she wanted to move on and do something else. “It was just emotionally exhausting work. I really enjoyed it, but I didn’t want to get into the debt of going to vet school. After my sister’s death, I decided to invest in myself by returning to college because you only get one life, and the fear of student debt was what had kept me from pursuing my own academic interests.”

That’s when she decided to enroll at the University of Arizona where she received her Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Psychology in 2016. Ms. Good graduated while pregnant with her daughter Charlotte, who was born in June of 2017. By January 2018, she had applied to the Teach Arizona Master’s degree program where she received a full scholarship and was accepted into the TUSD teacher fellowship program that brought her to Sahuaro as a student teacher. In May 2019, she received her Master’s degree in Education and immediately applied to stay at Sahuaro.

With over 35 tattoos and a septum piercing, she’s basically certified in being edgy. Ms. Good is also married to an Englishman who won her over with his accent and charm after they met on Tinder in 2014. “We have basically spent every single day together since we met the first time.” They now have a daughter together who is now 2 1/2 years old.

Ms. Good’s number one motto is, “If not me then who, if not now than when?” This is a question she always asks herself when she encounters a problem in life, or even a piece of trash on the ground. “I just think a lot of people see an issue that needs fixing and they keep on walking, but that’s just not me. I’m the type who stops and helps, even when it’s inconvenient.” Ms. Good believes that the world would be a better place if more people shared this perspective.