When Should We Begin Celebrating Christmas?

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Amanda Mourelatos, Editor in Chief

When should Christmas decorations start being sold? When should Christmas music start playing on the radio? When should we start counting down the days until the joyous holiday arrives? NOT YET!

So here I am in a Target near my house, enjoying my spooky season, when I see Christmas decorations. What is happening?! It’s the middle of October! This is an outrage! Don’t get me wrong, Christmas is a beautiful holiday, but Halloween and Thanksgiving are too!

Every year, Halloween time grows shorter and Thanksgiving becomes more and more nonexistent. What for? Christmas, in my opinion, gets from the day Thanksgiving is over until Christmas day. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Christmas gets plenty of time to be as glorious as it is. It should give the other holidays their spot on center stage.

Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday, so seeing Christmas socks instead of Halloween socks in the dollar section hurts my heart. Halloween is from October 1st to October 31st, with maybe a small head start in late September. I don’t get why Christmas decorations can’t wait until AT LEAST November 1st, but then Thanksgiving doesn’t get the spotlight.

Thanksgiving is another wonderful holiday that has a special place in my heart, and it gets completely covered by Christmas. It is a wholesome holiday to appreciate what life has given you and your loved ones, but there’s only one day reserved for the occasion, unlike Christmas with 80,000 days. I love the time cut out to cherish what’s been given to me, but there isn’t enough.

You may have your own opinion, but consider what I’m saying: take off your Christmas socks and find some with pumpkins, ghosts, or ghouls. Christmas gets its fair share of the light, so keep Halloween and Thanksgiving out of the dark.