Artist Spotlight: Lizbeth Lopez

Amanda Mourelatos, Editor in Chief

Insensible and imperceptible is how sophomore Lizbeth Lopez would describe her art because it has meaning to her, but might not make much sense to anyone else. “The depth of value it has to me couldn’t have the same impact it has on anyone else, unless I were to describe the meaning behind all of my pieces,” she said.

Lizbeth’s parents used to take her to the park, where there would be easels with coloring pages on them for kids. She would beg her parents to let her paint every time; her passion for art began at the park around age three or four.

She has been in Ms. Kimbley’s advanced art class since the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year, but has practiced art her whole life and has taught herself various art techniques.

She usually likes to produce drawings or sketches. When it comes to what she creates, she focuses mostly on people. “I like drawing people because they never come out the same. I can continue adding little details, making them unique.” Lizbeth also enjoys creating things in nature, animals, plants, sunsets, and landscapes. Another thing she likes to create is words in different forms of calligraphy. “Whenever I start to sketch a word, it usually represents how I’m feeling, or what the word means,” she said.

An artist Lizbeth looks up to is Frida Kahlo because she used “dramatic symbolism and bright colors in her pieces and she wasn’t afraid to show her unique sense of art.” She admires how Kahlo didn’t care about what other people thought of her art, despite the controversy.

Much like writer’s block, artist’s block isn’t easy to come back from, but Lizbeth has her own methods to get back on her feet. Music is a huge inspiration to her and also helps her recover from the dreaded artist’s block. She listens to anything from rap to lo-fi, alternative to R&B, hip hop to country, and more. Lizbeth said, “When I listen to music, it’s almost as if it paints a picture in my head…the more I listen and draw, the more comes to my head and the pieces come together.” She also binges lots of T.V. shows until she’s ready to start back up on an unfinished creation or a new one.

One form of art Lizbeth has always wanted to learn is water color painting, but is currently practicing realism. “I’m always trying to learn different ways to add new details,” she said.