Censorship – A Waste of Time

Media display in local Bookmans

Amanda Mourelatos, Editor in Chief

Censorship is the coverage of profanity or exposed image in books, film, music, etc. Why do people feel the need to use censorship, though? In music, curse words are often censored. On cable television, movies are censored from profanity. Film and photography has nudity censored. Different forms of media are banned because of the content included by the creator because that’s how they want their story to play out. If anyone has an issue with how the writer chooses THEIR work to be, then they can find something else to read, watch, or listen to.

When it comes to profanity in music, it’s part of the song that was made by the artist. Censoring any “unacceptable” words is changing the way the artist wishes to get their point across. Songs and albums are labeled as explicit if there is heavy profanity in it. If your kid is in the car and a station plays a lot of music with profanity, then change the station. Simple as that. If a song offends you, don’t listen to it.

Image from Fee.org

The same goes for movies. If you don’t prefer to see graphic images, then look at the ratings of movies and why they’re rated the way they are. Movies are rated for a reason: to inform viewers of what the film contains. People who don’t appreciate the creativity of the director can watch other movies instead of bashing them for their creation.

People who dislike profanity, nudity, etc. don’t have to be entertained by it. It’s as if you ate a food you didn’t like, or went to a place you didn’t care for, or hung out with someone that majorly annoyed you. There’s no point in doing something that doesn’t make you happy.