Global Politics is Coming to Sahuaro Through Model UN!

Calvin Mueller, Reporter

Many of us want a place where we can solve our world problems because the older generation won’t. There is a new club on campus this year: Model United Nations. This club, sponsored by Mr. Robinson, allows for students to attempt and hypothetically solve world problems from a different viewpoint. Club members would be able to research and discuss many countries’ stances on certain topics and culture through the club.

So… What is Model UN?

Model UN is a simulation of the United Nations and how it runs. Here at Sahuaro High School, it particularly simulates the Security Council. Delegates or students would get a country assigned for a certain topic and will be asked to give a short one minute speech about the country’s policy on the topic. After the delegates give the short speeches, they will begin debate on the topic to hopefully come to a resolution or solution of the topic. 

The Security Council

What is the Security Council?

The Security Council is a key organ within the United Nations, which its main purpose is It gives primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security to the Security Council.” The Security Council is composed of 15 members, elected on a two year basis. Five of those members–the USA, UK, China, Russia, and France–are permanently a part of the Security Council and have veto power.

How did I get the idea to start Model UN?

I first heard about Model UN in 7th Grade at my old middle school in Virginia; there was a club and although I was intrigued by it, I never ended up joining. Over the summer I attended an International Diplomacy Camp where we did Model UN, and I got to visit the United Nations as well. When I first came to Sahuaro, I wanted to create a club somewhat like Model UN. I was shy and scared to start one for a long time. Finally, I overcame that and with the support of my friends, family and Mr. Robinson, I created Model UN.

A Short Interview with the Vice President, Jake Olson

When asked if Jake is excited for the club to start, he responded “Yes, I’m very excited for the Model UN club to begin.  It’s going to be nice to simulate government.” I also asked what his favorite country was. “It used to be Belgium, I gotta say now… [its] gotta be Brazil because of the landscapes.” 

Are you interested?

We are very flexible and you can join any time during the year.  We meet after school on Thursdays in Room 127/9. If you’re interested get in touch with me or Mr. Robinson. In Jake’s words, “I hope it’s a good year.” I can assure you the rest of the club feels the same way and hopes to see you debating with us.