Rest in Power Toni Morrison

NBC News

Gabriella Jamerson, Reporter

Toni Morrison was an American writer who wrote about the experience of the black community, more specifically, the black woman experience and finding their cultural identity. Unfortunately Morrison passed August 5th,2019 at the age of 88, causes still unknown.

BBC News

Morrison won many awards throughout her career, like a Nobel Peace Prize as well as a Pulitzer for her novel, Beloved. She also won a Presidential Medal of Freedom from former president Barack Obama. Obama made a post on social media dedicated to Morrison’s passing stating,”Time is no match for Toni Morrison.” Other well known or famous people that paid tribute to Morrison were individuals such as Oprah, whose show she’s been on many times, saying,”She was our conscience. Our seer. Our truth-teller…Long may her WORDS reign!”

Toni Morrison has made such an impact in many lives through sharing black culture and experiences. Luckily those novels will live on and continue to inspire future generations of the world. Rest in power Toni Morrison.