Senior Q & A with Brooke Zahn

Ariela, Fresh face editor

Q: What has been the best thing about you high school experience?

A: My best thing about my high school experience is my time in theater.

Q: If you could give you freshman self any advice what would it be?

A: I would tell my freshman self to actually enjoy theater and branch out to other kids in theater.

Q: What was the best and worst thing about being a student director?

A: The best thing about being a student director is having the chance to get kids to see the beauty I see in theater and the worst thing is the frustration of kids not listening.

Q: What is your biggest fear?

A: My biggest fear is being alone. I don’t like it.

Q: What are you plans after high school?

A: After high school, I plan to study theater and business at Pima and then later at the U of A to open my own theater company in Tucson.

Q: What teacher are you going to miss the most? Why?

A: It is between Ms. Rossmeissl or Ms. Trujillo. Ms Rossmeissl because she helped me when I was at a very low point and Trujillo because she was always so sweet to me and made sure I was okay.

Q: What was your favorite play you were in? Why?

A: Hide and Shriek because I had the chance to be a character I know I’m never going to get to play ever again. Granny Dim Shroud will always have a place in my heart.

Q: What was your favorite high school memory?

A: All my theater memories! I have so many favorites, it is impossible to choose.

Q: What is your biggest pet peeve? 

A: Someone who is rude and disrespectful! If you are not given a reason why to be mean, you don’t need to be.

Q: What is you favorite ice cream flavor and from where?

A: Chocolate fudge brownie from Ben and Jerry.

Q: Why did you decide to be a student director? 

A: Because I knew I wanted to leave my mark in theater and I wanted to create a home for people who feel like the don’t have a home.