Fresh Face ft. Kaylee Derrick

Ariela, Fresh Face Editor

Q: What do you enjoy about school?

A: I enjoy hanging out with my friends during the day.

Q: What do you what to do when you get older?

A: I would like to teach theater.

Q: What is the your most interesting childhood story?

A: A lot of people thought I was Annie when I was little.

Q: What type of music do you listen to?

A: I listen to rock and metal.

 Q: Where is one place you want to visit in the world? Why?

A: I would want to see Australia because it seems cool.

Q: If you could have any animal as a pet what animal would you want? 

A: I would want a llama.

Q: What makes you laugh the most?

A: My friends make me laugh the most.

Q: What Is Your Favorite Three-Word Sentence?

A: “You at dope.”

 Q: If One Animal Was Made The Size Of A Whale, Which Would Be The Scariest?

A: The scariest animal would be an eel.