The Women of Sahuaro Unite

Amanda Mourelatos, Associate Editor-in-Chief

As young women in the 21st century, it is difficult to learn how to love yourself and others. We put up walls in fear of getting hurt by a man, or another woman, that only knows hostile and judgmental ways. A new club has taken shape at Sahuaro to help with all of that: The Young Women’s Club. Being a part of this club gives young women the opportunity to help others and yourself with a group of girls that understand the struggle. Here, you are given the freedom to embrace the real you and your real emotions instead of hiding behind a mask all the time.

Club Founder: Isabella Hoy

“It gives girls a safe place, free of hostility to embrace their true selves,” says junior Isabella Hoy, the creator of this new group. Bella is bisexual and has fought many demons in her life, but she couldn’t have gotten through it all without “self love and outside support.” She has lots of strong women who influence her life, such as her grandma and her aunt. Her grandma was in an abusive relationship and had children young, but still managed to pull through and make her life a success. Her aunt is a neuroscientist who grew up in an abusive household with a semi-absent father, but nothing held her back from achieving her goals. “I look up to them so much,” she says. To Bella, what makes a woman strong is, “When they have the will to keep fighting like a man when being told to sit like a woman.”


Ms. Engel and Paula

The adult sponsor of this club is Ms. Hillary Engel, one of the many fabulous fine arts teachers. She is also one of the few teachers that are out as homosexual to the Sahuaro community; her girlfriend’s name is Paula. “It’s been difficult…not all of the parents have been accepting of me, but this is my life and it wasn’t my choice,” she says. When asked why she agreed to sponsoring Bella’s club, she responded with, “Someone had the strength to ask, so I had the strength to answer.” The strongest women, to Ms. Engel, are those who “got past their weakest moment and pulled through.”

Anyone who identifies themselves as a female can join this group; so if you’re female and want a support system, this is the club for you. The club plans on doing group readings, volunteering at women centers, and learning about various strong women; also, they’re planning a field trip to Downtown Tucson to visit a few museums to learn about women. To learn more about the club or to join, pop by the band room on Mondays after school, or contact Ms. Engel or Bella.