The Wonderful Mrs. Watters

Amanda Mourelatos, Associate Editor-in-Chief

Mrs. Cheryl Watters is an icon in the English Department.  In her 12th year at Sahuaro, it would be very difficult to find someone who has something negative to say.  Kamren Fitts, senior, is one of her biggest fans.  “She’s the best teacher I ever had.” So much so, that after having her as his freshman English teacher, he stayed on for sophomore English and is now her teacher aide.  “She’s a saint. She’s amazing. She has a great attitude every day no matter what. Even if kids are annoying, she’s always super nice and respectful.”

Mrs. Watters’ favorite thing about teaching is the interaction with her students, and it shows. Originally, she did not plan on being a teacher; she was interested in broadcasting, then became a music major and then an English major. She realized she wanted to be an English teacher when she was at her husband’s work with tons of teens and decided she likes working with teens.

Every other year, Mrs. Watters takes on a student teacher to mentor, currently Ms. Caitlin Good, who said, “I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor. Her passion for teaching and the love of the students has inspired me.” Mrs. Watters said, “Getting to mentor Ms. Good has been a great experience and I enjoy mentoring someone going into this profession.” One of only three Nationally Board Certified teachers at Sahuaro, Mrs. Watters has a knack for inspiring others.

Image from Fandom

She’s definitely not all business. While she enjoys teaching the classics, like A Tale of Two Cities and To Kill a Mockingbird, she has her guilty non-literary pleasures as well. Her personal favorite series is The Stormlight Archive, and her favorite authors are Nick Hornby and Brandon Sanderson. Although described as a “saint”, she does have her teacher pet peeves: cheating and plagiarism. Her “hidden talents” include singing, playing piano, and making banana bread. “Every so often I’ll come into my room in the morning and they’ll be a ziplock with a couple of thick slices of her banana bread resting on my keyboard.  It makes my day!” said her fellow English teacher, Ms. Lange. Also the technology guru of Sahuaro, it’s these small acts of random kindness that makes even her co-workers appreciate her.

A funny moment in her class was when they were studying Macbeth and Mrs. Watters said, “Shakespeare writes the way Yoda talks,” and her student asked, “Who’s Yoda?” The entire class was very shocked and then her student said, “I’m sorry I don’t read Harry Potter!”

Image from Pinterest

Mrs. Watters’ fashion matches her personality to a tee; she wears fun, quirky shirts, such as Snoopy or Star Wars, and patterned sweaters in the winter. She matches those with expressive skirts or sometimes socks too. And, of course, she tops it all off with her trademark Converse. She said, “I think I have 12 pairs. I used to have clear ones. My favorite pair are my new pink and black ones. They are totally comfortable!!” Not only does Mrs. Watters have a striking fashion sense, but a wonderful personality as a person and a teacher here at Sahuaro High School.