Palo Verde Student Among Three Dead at Lakeside Park Shooting

Samantha Valdez, Opinon Editor

On November 8th a shooting occurred at Lakeside Park; two teens and an adult in his 20’s were injured and died. According to police reports there were initially four people in a car, Matthew Favela, 21, Carlos Ross, 16, and two other friends who all went to Lakeside Park on Thursday a bit before 5 pm. Once at the park they met with 16- year-old Amonn Sandoval accompanied by an unknown male friend. Both groups interacted in some way and then exchanged shots. 21-year-old Matthew Favela was fatally shot and pronounced dead at the scene. The two friends who stayed in the car and were uninjured called the police immediately. When police arrived, Amonn’s unknown friend had left the scene. Amonn Sandoval and Carlos Ross were taken to the hospital by paramedics and were pronounced dead there.

Amonn Sandoval’s death caused a huge impact on Tucson teens, he was 16 and attended Palo Verde High School, so many kids knew him. He was described as always making the people around him smile, and laugh. A poster with the words “Amonn’s World” was hung up at the school for kids to sign and say there goodbyes too. Many people were crying, for Amonn had had such an impact on everyone’s life. The next day in the evening many friends gathered in a big crowd outside Palo Verde bringing balloons and lighting candles. Many cried and had a hard time saying goodbye to there beloved friend. Junior Collins is mourning the loss of his friend Amonn Sandoval, the 16-year-old boy Collins called “Tito.” “Every time we’d leave each other, we’d tell each other to be safe,” Collins said. “Tito is a friend I needed. To this day Tito never left my side. every day and every night, I see tito and that’s why I feel like everything is going to be okay. He just a peaceful person, a talented person, the most athletic person, he was all about peace and love.”

Tucson police do not believe the shooting was gang related so there is still a ongoing investigation.