Microsoft Co-Creator Dead At 65

Jaelen Whitehead, Fine Arts Co-Editor

That’s right, the co-founder of one of the biggest electronics manufactures in the world, has died on Monday, October 15, 2018 due to his long time battle with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Paul Allen opened Microsoft with his childhood friend, Bill Gates, back in 1975. He also owned both the Seattle Seahawks and the Portland Trail Blazers, Vulcan Inc., and more. Bill Gates said he was, “heartbroken by the passing of one of my oldest and dearest friends.”

When he was a teenager, he and Bill would go to the University of Washington to break down and learn more about the computers that were there. Then a few later, they would create Microsoft in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1975, but Allen would resign his position on November 9, 2000.

During and after he was at Microsoft, he would create other businesses that focused on Aerospace, Real Estate, Venus, etc.

Paul Allen was also a filmmaker. He and his sister, Jody Allen, would make movies and television shows together with their studio, Vulcan Production.

Paul was also a very generous man. In 2003, he gave $2 billion toward the advancement to science, technology, education, wildlife preservation and more.

In 1982, he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which he eventually beat. He was then diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2009. It was successfully treated, but unfortunately it came back and caused him to have septic shock, which killed him.

Paul Allen was best known, as his sister says, “as a technologist and philanthropist… he was a much loved brother and uncle, and an exceptional friend.”

I’m sure most of the world will miss and never forget who Paul Allen was and what he did for people.