Sahuaro Soccer Tryout Info

Ariela, Fresh Face Editor

On October 29th tryouts will be held on the practice fields at Sahuaro High School for the 2018-2019 soccer season. The tryouts will take place October 29 through November 02, and begin at 3:45 and end at 6:00.

In order to be able to try out for the soccer team you need register through the ATS system and fill out all the forms. You also must have a physical on file. If you have to turn in a physical, turn it in to the activities office. If you already have registered through the ATS system for another sport, you will have to fill one out again. If you make the JV or Varsity team, you are required to pay a $65 activity fee.

When the day comes for tryouts you MUST have shin guards, and running shoes. The Coach highly recommends that you have cleats. You also have to wear a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Exposed sports bras and tank tops are not appropriate for soccer attire. For tryouts you have to bring your own water bottle that has your name on it. If you don’t bring water, we will provide you with some. You do not need a ball.

When making Varsity there are many things coaches look for, some of the obvious things are your skill level and fitness, but if you are not ready for tryouts by October 29th with all your paper work turned in, then you will not be eligible for Varsity.

“Do not fear to try out” said coach Kruszewski.

Varsity Standards 

  • Copper test- (12 minute run around the track) – a varsity level player should complete a minimum of 6 1/4 laps or 2500 meters.
  • 40 yard sprint- a varsity level player should have a time of less then 6 seconds
  • 1 mile- a varsity level player should not have a mile no more than 7 minutes.

For more information

Email Coach Kruszewski at: [email protected]