Fresh Face ft. Kailene Figueroa

Ariela, Fresh Face Editor

Q: Were you nervous coming into high school?

A: No, I already knew people who go to Sahuaro and my brother Cito graduated from here last year.

Q: What is your goal to complete by the end of the school year?

A: I want to graduate with a 4.0 GPA and hopefully get academic or sports scholarships. I plan on going into track or soccer, but because of a knee injury I previously got, I may try out for softball to get a scholarship.

Q: What is your favorite subject?

A: Math, I was not always good at it but I got better at understanding it my last year at Gridley. I hope to learn more about it at Sahuaro.

Q: What would you do to make Sahuaro a better place for new coming students?

A: Try making it a friendlier place that will allow freshmen to feel more comfortable. I would do this by having more upper class students introduce themselves to new students and get them into more school activities.

Q: What is your favorite place on planet Earth, and why?

A: Paris, this is because I have always loved it as a kid and it looks like a beautiful place. I hope to visit there one day.