Fresh Faces Ft. Josie Shivers

Ariela, reporter

Q: What did you find most surprising about high school life that you did not expect?

A: How many couples there are.

Q: If there is one thing you miss about middle school, what is it?

A: The less moving around.

Q: What sports and clubs are you in?

A: I’m on the swim team.

Q: What type of music do you listen to and if you got free tickets to any concert who would you want to see?

A: I really like rock music and if I could see anyone, I’d see Panic at the Disco.

Q:If you could meet anyone who has died who would you meet?

A: Freddie Mercury

Q: If you could have your own three homes anywhere in the world, where would they be?

A: Japan, England, and South Korea

Q: What is your ideal future job?

A: To be on Broadway

Q: What are three adjectives that best describe you?

A: Weird, Funny, Caring