Fresh Faces Ft. Katelyn Vessey-Webb

Ariela, Reporter

Q: What did you find most surprising about high school life that you did not expect?

A: That I wasn’t alone in all my classes.

Q: If there is one thing you miss from your middle school, what is it?

A: I miss the people, all my old friends.

Q; What type of music do you listen to, and if you got one free ticket to any concert who would you see?

A: I like Pop and R&B, and if I could see anyone it would probably be Justin Bieber.

Q: If you could meet one person that was dead, who would you pick? What abould a person who is still alive?

A: Well if I could meet anyone that was dead I think I’d want to meet Paul Walker. And I would really like to meet Selena Gomez, so probably Selena.

Q: Who is your celebrity crush?

A: I love Dave Franco!!

Q: What would be the ideal job when you’re older?

A: When I’m old I want to be a lawyer.

Q: Name three adjectives that best describe you?

A: Friendly, Caring, an Clumsy