Freshman Takes on Famous TV Show ‘The Voice’

Denise Najera, Reporter

All of us at one point have imagined what it would be like as a famous artist. Well freshman Ariel Welch is attempting to make that dream come true and will tackle any chance she gets to make that possible. After finding her passion, singing, Ariel has always tried to somehow be involved in anything that has to do with it. Like singing just for fun, to joining choirs, and even participating in the Tucson Jazz Institution!

Ariel first got into singing because of her sister. “In middle school I joined choir because singing was really fun to me and because my sister is really into dancing and I wanted to follow in her fine arts footsteps.” Another huge inspiration for her is Sia. Ariel loves her music and thinks that her lyrics have beautiful deep meanings and that she respects her as an artist.  After a while, Ariel’s mom said something about The Voice coming to Tucson. Since Ariel was already in Tucson Jazz, she though it would be fun and decided to take that chance and audition.

Performing in front of people is probably really scary, so as a performer, Ariel was probably really freaked out. I asked her some questions on how her experience there was.
“It was very scary, I got very shaky and nervous. At first I wasn’t scared though because I had to wait. There were like 400 people there. But then when I actually had to line up on stage, that’s when I freaked out. The announcer started to call us to sing.” The auditions took place at Casino Del Sol. Sadly Ariel was not able to make it into the second round. She says that she definitely was nervous and that affected her performance ability, but she says she will audition again. “I think I can definitely do better”.

Becoming someone famous is a difficult task, 1 out of 10 people really make it. So many people really give up that dream and take on a more realistic career. But not Ariel, she truly believes if you really work hard for something you want, which she has, then that dream you have is sure to be a reality. So I asked Ariel if maybe she will stick to that fine arts talent and even persue a singing career. She says that it’s definitely an option. Singing has been her dream growing up, and she can’t think of anything else she’d rather do when she gets older. She also thinks she would become one because of all the opportunities it gives her, like traveling the world maybe.

“My friend had actually went to L.A. and D.C. with The Voice and that was pretty cool. I was sad that I didn’t get to do that with her.”

Ariel Welch. Freshman, singer, and possibly, soon to be the next Sia. Keep tackling those dreams Ariel! Maybe someday, they will come true.