11 Children Discovered on Filthy Compound in New Mexico While on Search for Another Missing Boy

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Samantha Valdez, Reporter

Two Muslim extremists were arrested on August 3rd, 2018 after a compound in New Mexico was raided by police. They found  11 children with ages varying from 1 to 15. Along with the two men, Siraj Wahhaj and Lucas Morton – his brother and law, three women were also found on the compound, one was Siraj’s wife Jany Leveille and the other two were his sisters.  The FBI had been watching the compound over the span of several months and even had obtained surveillance. However the decision to get a warrant and investigate the property wasn’t done until police intercepted a note with the message, “We are starving and need food and water.” It was a pleading note, although it is unknown if a child or one of the women wrote it.

Bringing this story back a couple months to December of 2017, Siraj Wahhaj went to go visit his three-year-old son, Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj. His mother believed he was going to take his son to a nearby park in Clayton County, Georgia. Young Abdul suffered from a medical condition, that caused him to have frequent seizures. In the police report the boys mother claimed that Siraj wanted to in fact perform an exorcism on the young boy because he believed the boy was possessed by the devil. That was the last time she saw her son and his father. Ever since then the police have been looking for him.

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When Siraj was found on the compound it gave the authorities hope to maybe finding Abdul but he was not among the eleven children. Later on into the investigation of the compound a body was found on the “inner portion” of the compound and it’s not  certain if the body belonged to young Abdul. Siraj’s father is the leader of an organization called the Muslim Alliance of North America and he made a comment saying that the body indeed belonged to Abdul, although they are still waiting for the body to be formally identified. Even if it does not belong to the boy, authorities are sure Abdul must have been on the compound in the past weeks.

Even later into the investigation it was discovered that the children were being taught to carry out school shootings. According to one of the foster parents of the 11 kids he stated that Siraj “trained the child in the use of an assault rifle in preparation for future school shootings,”. Neighbors have also reported to the cops that they had heard shooting coming from the compound. None of the adults have said anything so it is hard to know if they had a specific target in mind, if these accusations are true. The story is still on-going and soon the body will be successfully identified.