My Entire Paycheck Goes Towards…

Sidney Moyers, Associate Editor-in-Chief

Everyone looks forward to the end of the week when they receive their paycheck, even though most of the money will probably go towards bills, insurance, food, etc. While these things are necessities and are important to have, sometimes we just want to spend our cash on a new TV or some new clothes.

So, what would you do if you were able to spend your entire paycheck on whatever you want? Well, Egypt Amon-ra was allowed to use her money however she pleased, as long as she paid for her car and gas. Given this wonderful opportunity to save money for college and problems in the future, she decided to invest her entire paycheck in video games and video game consoles.

So far, she has spent hundreds of dollars on video games, including Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild and Until Dawn. She also currently owns the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation Vita. All of this she has paid for with her own hard-earned money. She did say that if she had to get rid of something, she would get rid of her PlayStation Vita because she “doesn’t use it” and she “doesn’t like it.”

The most expensive item that she has bought is the Nintendo Switch which was a total of $320, while the least expensive item is the video game Until Dawn which was a whopping $10. While money doesn’t always buy happiness, she did say that her favorite console was the Nintendo Switch because she “just got it” and has “a lot of cool games for it.”

While she has thoroughly enjoyed being able to buy game after game, she does experience some backlash from coworkers who say she should save the money or spend it on more important things. She simply puts them in her place and says “it’s my life.”