Night of One Acts

Sidney Moyers, Associate Editor-in-Chief

On November 30th and December 1st, our wonderful drama program will be having two one act plays in the Little Theater. The two plays will be “!Artistic Inspiration” as well as “The Internet is Distract- Oh Look a Kitten!” Their show will begin at 7:00 pm, so make sure to show up around 6:30 pm to grab you and your friends or family a good seat for the performance. It will only cost $5.00 for students and $7.00 for adults. It’s always nice to support your school and even better when you get a night of entertainment out of it.

Sophomore Caleb Pendleton is in “The Internet is Distract- Oh Look A Kitten!” and he talked about the struggles and reward from the show. “In the beginning there were just two scripts we were reading and now after all of our hard work everyone has come together to create our first play of the year! It has been a long, hard process, but it has paid off and we are all excited to perform our first one act.”

Christian Gaffney, sophomore, plays in both shows and says that, “This show was very stressful, but we managed to pull it together. Even though sometimes we’re at each others’ throats, that’s what makes us closer as a family, a big dysfunctional family. Even though we bicker and fight we all still love each other.”

I got to see a small teaser for the plays and I genuinely enjoyed it and found myself laughing more than a few times. It was cute, clever and extremely fun to watch. Because it’s geared towards our age group, I would definitely recommend it to everyone here at Sahuaro.

So make sure to stop by and support your friends in drama and your fellow students!