Sahuaro’s Drama Class Presents: The Curious Savage

Sidney Moyers, Associate Editor-in-Chief

If you’re a sucker for a good play or just want to support Sahuaro’s Advanced Theatre program, come by and see their new play, The Curious Savage by John Patrick in The Little Theatre.

The play is a dramatic comedy about a character named Mrs. Savage, a woman recently put into a mental health institution by her evil step-children after they found out that she hid the money she inherited from her deceased husband. The institution is filled with crazy, delusional characters like a compulsive liar and a terrible violinist. Not letting her problems get to her, she decides to make the best of it and establish a fund to help the other characters see their hopes and wants while also allowing herself to finally find happiness.

“I think it’d be really fun to come and watch and find out the ending,” said Myely Martin, one of the performers in the play. She encourages people to come because it’s a great environment and a wonderful way to support the school.

Cast A will be performing on October 26th and October 27th while Cast B will be performing on November 2nd and November 3rd. If you want to get a good seat, the doors will open at 6:30pm so make sure to steal a seat in the front row. But, of course, if you prefer to wait, the play will begin at 7:00pm. The tickets will be $5.00 for students and $7.00 for adults.

Sahuaro’s theatre performances are always amazing and entertaining so be sure to pick up your tickets at the show so you can watch the future actors and actresses of Hollywood.