Senior Q & A with Sabrina Zupan

Sidney Moyers, Reporter

What will be your favorite memory at Sahuaro?

I guess I would have to go to with a day in my freshman year when me and one of my best friends, Kayla, first became friends. We eventually figured out that we had known each other when we were 3 years old and then lost contact until our freshman year. It was nice that we happened to be able to reconnect and then become really good friends.

Who is your favorite teacher and why?

Mrs. Bouchard, probably. She’s been my English teacher three years in a row now and she’s taught me a lot. She’s such a great teacher, super understanding, judicious and I just really love the way she teaches.

Where do you see yourself in 15 years?

Hopefully living in a nice place and having a successful job as a vet, enjoying life.

What do you plan to do after high school?

I’m going to Pima to get an Associate of Science degree and then transferring to the University of Arizona to major in Veterinary Medicine. After that, I want to make it into a vet school so I can get my Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine. Eventually, I really want a job as a veterinarian.

Who are your idols?

My mom, my dad, and my grandpa. My mom has been there for me my entire life and she’s always believed in me. I don’t know where I’d  be without her. And my dad has always understood me in ways that no one else has. My grandpa is the sweetest person I know. He’s also always been there for me. He calls me just to tell me that he loves me and always manages to make me feel better when I’m having a bad day. They all are there when I need someone to talk to and I love them so much and I can only hope I can be a person they can be proud of.

What’s one thing you would like to change about your high school career?

Be more motivated, I could have gotten a lot of things done quicker and been more prepared for college.

What’s the worst/most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you at Sahuaro?

I was walking up the stairs one day and I didn’t lift my foot high enough for the next step so my foot hit the stair and I tripped and fell. My books got thrown out of my hands and people were staring and it was just really embarrassing.

Give your freshman-self advice.

Choose your friends wisely, don’t give up on yourself and always do your best.