New Science Club Formed

Sidney Moyers, Reporter

Criteria to Join: 1) Want to become more involved with Sahuaro    2)  Have big ideas that will change our school for the better  3) Be passionate about science or the environment  4) Be available on Tuesdays after school.  If you meet the criteria, then the Science Club is for you!

The club is advised by Ms. Hartman and Mr. Veal and currently has over twenty members.  They meet in room 108 on Tuesdays after school, but anyone who is unable to attend can go in on Tuesday mornings during conference to get caught up. If you are unsure about joining or want to see what it’s like, they welcome anyone to come to a meeting and see what they’re all about.

I asked the club members what the club meant to them and they said it was a good way to “expand your education,” and that they hope for “more people to be aware about science in general, start to pick up trash…(and) be more interactive “or even just “having people work together for something.”

I asked Ms. Hartman what their focus would be this year and she responded, “We’re focusing on establishing ourselves both financially and in awareness and building the bridges to work with the community.” In the future, club members wish to get involved with professional development, the U of A, and want to be able to go on field trips throughout the year.

The club is still brand new, so joining will allow you to help the club grow and shape into something great. The new Science Club is a wonderful way to meet people, have fun, learn about science and make your mark here at Sahuaro.


